a thousand words

Thursday, January 30, 2020



Trump was the President we have always deserved because the U.S. has always been a nation of noble sayings and filthy doings, like a gift-wrapped box of shit, a Fraudtocracy.

I will not try to convince you of this. If you can’t see it now, you’ll never see it, and I have the advantage of being Black and we see everything, because our very existence as Americans has been an exercise in the most murderous and corrupt politics known to the west.

Fraudtocracy (frãd ‘tok cra see) n. 1. A system of government
that purports to be based on truth, nobility and virtue, but is
actually run on corruption, lies and murder.

Wealthy white men built this nation with guts, faith, nerve and hope. But the tools they used were murder, slavery, genocide and oppression. The result was a country that boasted of its honesty, nobility and honor, but was always using murder, slavery and exploitation to meet its goals.

Yeah, I know you’re tired of hearing this. Me too. But see, it’s all about to end. The safe, comfy denial of white Americans is over. The evil men do has risen up to defeat the shiny words in the Constitution.

Trump and the GOP Senators who covered up a public crime in plain sight, have been pushed to the limit and forced to show all of us what America is really made of, what it believes in, and what it doesn't:

They do not believe in truth for they have always been liars and hypocrites of the highest order. "Storm the Capitol, but don't you kneel at that sporting event, boy."

They do not believe in honor because their intentions and actions have always fallen to the most base level of behavior, willing to do anything to get what they want. Intern the Japanese? No problem. Look the other way at the Holocaust? What holocaust? Kids in cages? Why the hell not? We're the good guys: E Pluribus Fuck You.

They do not believe in equality because they talk it, while embedding racism and discrimination into the soul of the nation. Many of the old race laws are still there, on the books, waiting like zombies in a graveyard, just in case we need redlining on the Moon.

And they do not believe in God because they use Christianity as a sword for conquest, then as a shield to hide their own impure acts. God's sending them hurricanes because of the homos, you know, and this is the same God that blesses America."

And we saw all of this in the impeachment “trials.” Trials where Trump was clearly guilty, caught on tape betraying his country, and then Republicans stand on national TV and tell you the sun is not hot and water is not wet because they said so. 

The men who defended Trump were really defending white supremacy, the philosophy that built a nation. White men are above the law because they created it, made this country, and gave you your freedom, citizenship and Netflix, bitch. So, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. If I need a heart and a brain, I’ll kill a detainee at the border and take it.

For liberal America, the spectacle is breaking their hearts. Now they know how Black people feel. Trump is every white cop that killed an unarmed Black man and walked free, every white woman who falsely accused a Black man of rape and every person who called the cops because Black men sat down at a Starbucks.

That’s right, liberal America, the system is rigged, it’s fake and now it doesn’t benefit you. You have to suck it down and take it, watch as your nation dies, grimace as a criminal walks, capitols are stormed pussies are grabbed, and no one goes to jail.

This is what we have come to because half the nation is evil, and the other half pretends not to see it. The GOP is really saying “Come on, we all do it. We all commit crimes in office to keep power. You didn’t really believe in voting rights, Native American treaties and The Grammys, did you? The law is whatever we say it is. Now enjoy your legal weed.”

And when I say “liberal” I use the word so you get a reference.  Really, there have never been liberals versus conservatives in America. We have had: Slavers versus Racists. Murderous Racists versus Non-Murderous Racists. Tolerant Racists versus Overt Racists and Racism Deniers versus Hostile Racists.

I know that’s cynical, but I keep hearing how only a third of America is racist. Last time I checked, a third is not a majority, so how did we end up with President Dumbass and his Criminal Senate? No, some of you are lying about what you do in the voting booth when your Black coworkers can't see. Some of you are part of the Fraudtocracy and you know it. 

But more importantly, I know it.

We are in trouble and the time for niceties is over. Trump survived two impeachments not because he was innocent, but because politics, racism and money are a deadly combination, and more important to greedy men that any words written on old ass pieces of paper. 

McConnell and his filthy, super-hypocrisy crew have ended the Republic and created a monster, the Democratic autocrat, a President who can subvert the law and kill people, as long as he does it right before he leaves office.

It’s not going to be a “one and done.” More Presidents will come, eroding the Constitution and pushing us away from democratic rule into a dictatorship in order to preserve white supremacy and the other half of America will pretend to whine and cry, even as they reap the benefits of the new order.

When I was younger, I wondered if I’d live long enough to see cars fly. I won’t, but I have lived long enough to see a Mars landing, a man win seven Superbowl rings, and what may well be the end of my country.