a thousand words

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


In 2008 after Obama won the election and the Democrats won both houses of Congress, Democrats were on FB gloating as if it would last forever, rubbing it in to foes and saying that we should all "come together" behind their candidate, knowing what they really meant was "fall in line."

Well, no one did any such thing and the right unleashed a torrent of resistance, ignorance and bigotry like I had never seen.

Now it's 2016 and the reverse has happened, Republicans are gloating on FB as if this will last forever and the GOP calls for unity and coming together behind Trump. And liberals are protesting, charging racism and misogyny and vowing to fight and resist a President who hasn't taken office yet. Sound familiar?

The terrible thing about being an independent is that you can never claim any kind of victory because what you want are real choices, real leaders and a people who have a collective voice and an objective for a better nation for all and not just those who believe as they do.

In 2011, I wrote a blog that contained a line the has come to be prophetic in this recent election but it only shows that I was feeling just a little of what drove this cycle. I was worried that the Democrats were blowing it by investing heavily in symbolic and emotional manipulation and not enough in, you know, results. And today, I am just as worried that the GOP will believe that we want their failed policies because America voted for a circus clown to let them know how much we hate them all.

And that line from the 2011 blog was: "America will be great again when we are."

I still believe that.